I'm sure this has already been covered but I see no harm in repeating it aside a safety issue
As of this week VOSA or DVSA whichever set of letters you prefer will be checking and prosecuting drivers of vehicles over 3500kgs who have 10 year old tyres on the front axle 3 points and £100 fine so its timebto check your tyres boys and girls
Personally I wouldn't want old tyres on my steer axle regardless of the weight of the van
As of this week VOSA or DVSA whichever set of letters you prefer will be checking and prosecuting drivers of vehicles over 3500kgs who have 10 year old tyres on the front axle 3 points and £100 fine so its timebto check your tyres boys and girls
Personally I wouldn't want old tyres on my steer axle regardless of the weight of the van