Just bought 1st motorhome having crossed over from a caravan. Autocruise starfire 2011. Over winter, as parked in storage location I will need to keep at least, engine battery topped up. We have 1 engine and 2 hab batteries. Would a windscreen located trickle charger unit, say 5 or 10w be sufficient for engine? Would it charge via cig lighter socket or best direct to battery? Would hab batteries need charging and if so, how best to do this? Much appreciate any advice...
Just bought 1st motorhome having crossed over from a caravan. Autocruise starfire 2011. Over winter, as parked in storage location I will need to keep at least, engine battery topped up. We have 1 engine and 2 hab batteries. Would a windscreen located trickle charger unit, say 5 or 10w be sufficient for engine? Would it charge via cig lighter socket or best direct to battery? Would hab batteries need charging and if so, how best to do this? Much appreciate any advice...