We have a new van and are trying to get to grips with all the new bits and pieces.
In the dead of night (i.e. no solar charge), with all 12v switched off, the battery monitor is showing a draw of 0.35 amps. The only thing that appears to be 'on' is the Truma Inet Box - flashing like a Christmas tree under the bench seat, searching for a signal. Do you think that could account for the mystery drain??
In normal circumstances, the small drain is quickly sorted out with the solar charging, even on a dull day, BUT we store the van indoors and don't have regular access to EHU, so I'm worried about flattening the batteries if we don't use the van for a few weeks.
At the moment, we don't want to use the Inet box for remote management of Alde heating etc. so can I just turn it off? There is no power button on the unit but I assume I could unplug the DC lead and continue to manage the onboard systems manually on the control panels??
In the dead of night (i.e. no solar charge), with all 12v switched off, the battery monitor is showing a draw of 0.35 amps. The only thing that appears to be 'on' is the Truma Inet Box - flashing like a Christmas tree under the bench seat, searching for a signal. Do you think that could account for the mystery drain??
In normal circumstances, the small drain is quickly sorted out with the solar charging, even on a dull day, BUT we store the van indoors and don't have regular access to EHU, so I'm worried about flattening the batteries if we don't use the van for a few weeks.
At the moment, we don't want to use the Inet box for remote management of Alde heating etc. so can I just turn it off? There is no power button on the unit but I assume I could unplug the DC lead and continue to manage the onboard systems manually on the control panels??