Hello all you lovely helpful people.
Having now buttered you up, I'm chancing my arm with a third post, having done yet more research, sat down with my daughter and shown her piccies and explained where/how everyone might sleep - and we think we might be happy with a Hymer B544 - but there seem to be slightly longer ones that I'm after which are either a variant or they're newer - not sure which - about 6.5 m rather than the ones nearer 6m.
Something around the 2006-8 vintage might be affordable, but they seem few and far between, till I start looking at mobile.de, when they're 10 a penny (well, obviously not that cheap...). I don't particularly want to travel abroad to fetch one, but would go to the effort if it's not too horrendous - and make a short break of it. Aside from all the legalities and ordering packs etc from DVLA etc, I'm just wondering if anyone has any experience or practical advice - clearly feels a bit more daunting to try and sort a deal abroad, but I might be prepared to take the plunge if I can't find what I want here very easily.
Thanks again.
Having now buttered you up, I'm chancing my arm with a third post, having done yet more research, sat down with my daughter and shown her piccies and explained where/how everyone might sleep - and we think we might be happy with a Hymer B544 - but there seem to be slightly longer ones that I'm after which are either a variant or they're newer - not sure which - about 6.5 m rather than the ones nearer 6m.
Something around the 2006-8 vintage might be affordable, but they seem few and far between, till I start looking at mobile.de, when they're 10 a penny (well, obviously not that cheap...). I don't particularly want to travel abroad to fetch one, but would go to the effort if it's not too horrendous - and make a short break of it. Aside from all the legalities and ordering packs etc from DVLA etc, I'm just wondering if anyone has any experience or practical advice - clearly feels a bit more daunting to try and sort a deal abroad, but I might be prepared to take the plunge if I can't find what I want here very easily.
Thanks again.