So, after 6 trips varying from a weekend to 9 days over the last 5 months we've had the motorhome one thing definitly needs addressing. The table.
We have a bench seat model as in the picture below
and theres a large folding table under the bed which only comes out if we are on a site (rare) and goes outdoors, it's cumbersome inside.
So, after some deliberation Im looking at fitting a Lagun arm and find a table top for it.
Now, I don't mind spending good money for good stuff but a Lagun seems to be in the region of £150 whereas theres several lagun "style" ones on ebay etc for about £40 saving! Anyone got any experience of the "copy" ones at all?
We have a bench seat model as in the picture below
and theres a large folding table under the bed which only comes out if we are on a site (rare) and goes outdoors, it's cumbersome inside.
So, after some deliberation Im looking at fitting a Lagun arm and find a table top for it.
Now, I don't mind spending good money for good stuff but a Lagun seems to be in the region of £150 whereas theres several lagun "style" ones on ebay etc for about £40 saving! Anyone got any experience of the "copy" ones at all?