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Hi All,
Well after an epic, windy, rainy journey starting in Denmark on Monday afternoon we finally arrived home with our new Weinsberg Motorhome safe & sound early yesterday evening
Our journey home started around 4.00pm Denmark time after inspecting the motorhome and having a quick tour. From there we drove to Calais via, Germany, The Netherlands, Belgium & France. We were going to take a ferry from Holland but they were all evening sailings.
On the way home we had a couple of short breaks for refreshments and a quick nap. On one of these breaks on a motorway service station in Holland in the dead of night we heard a couple of noises from the outside. My wife being the lighter sleeper got up and to her horror
there was a man in a hoodie trying to open the passenger door. She screamed and I got up and ran down the van to the window where I "politely"
told him to go away. This he did but with his boot open so we couldn't get his number plate. That woke me up so we started on our journey home again. We arrived at Calais around 8.00am on Tuesday morning. All the ferries were delayed due to the weather so we got on the first available at 10.30am French time.
The motorhome drove like a dream, even with the battering winds from side to side or head-on. (Never had a tailwind
Now to start the process of registering her with the DVLA. Should be fun
Didn't take many photo's as we were just concentrating on getting her home.
I'll post some photo's of the inside later as the ambient lighting is something else and something we weren't expecting. On the whole we are delighted, there a couple of little niggles but I'll sort them.
Thanks Antony
Well after an epic, windy, rainy journey starting in Denmark on Monday afternoon we finally arrived home with our new Weinsberg Motorhome safe & sound early yesterday evening

Our journey home started around 4.00pm Denmark time after inspecting the motorhome and having a quick tour. From there we drove to Calais via, Germany, The Netherlands, Belgium & France. We were going to take a ferry from Holland but they were all evening sailings.
On the way home we had a couple of short breaks for refreshments and a quick nap. On one of these breaks on a motorway service station in Holland in the dead of night we heard a couple of noises from the outside. My wife being the lighter sleeper got up and to her horror

The motorhome drove like a dream, even with the battering winds from side to side or head-on. (Never had a tailwind

Now to start the process of registering her with the DVLA. Should be fun

Didn't take many photo's as we were just concentrating on getting her home.

I'll post some photo's of the inside later as the ambient lighting is something else and something we weren't expecting. On the whole we are delighted, there a couple of little niggles but I'll sort them.
Thanks Antony