I've been pondering over getting a fridge fan but never found the need. I don't know if it makes the fridge more efficient, especially on gas.
I bought fridge sensors and they give a remote reading. I found that the freezer compartment is around -26 degrees. But the inside of the fridge is a bit of a surprise. At the top of the fridge near the fins, that shelf often gets to -1 degree. The bottom of the fridge in the bucket type holder it's around +7 degrees and sometimes when the door is opened it is +9 degrees.
I thought cold air would sink but not in my fridge!
I wondered if i should fit an internal fan to circulate the cold air?
Or would fitting fans to the outside vent would improve things.
These readings are around outside temperature of 22 degrees.
Any thoughts?
I bought fridge sensors and they give a remote reading. I found that the freezer compartment is around -26 degrees. But the inside of the fridge is a bit of a surprise. At the top of the fridge near the fins, that shelf often gets to -1 degree. The bottom of the fridge in the bucket type holder it's around +7 degrees and sometimes when the door is opened it is +9 degrees.
I thought cold air would sink but not in my fridge!
I wondered if i should fit an internal fan to circulate the cold air?
Or would fitting fans to the outside vent would improve things.
These readings are around outside temperature of 22 degrees.
Any thoughts?