MiL lives in Ipswich and we "camp" on her drive for a couple of nights from time to time. When we visit we take her out for trip: today we went to Manningtree on the Essex border. To get there we need to cross the main London to Norwich rail-line. There are two options: a level crossing at the top of a hill or a bridge quoted as 9'6".
My van is 9'3" but I always take the level crossing. As we descended from it a van (Transit Luton?) emerged from under the bridge: much of its roof was concertinaed backwards and 50% was missing. Take care folks!
My van is 9'3" but I always take the level crossing. As we descended from it a van (Transit Luton?) emerged from under the bridge: much of its roof was concertinaed backwards and 50% was missing. Take care folks!