So I've had my 2020 Geist i585 for a couple of weeks now. It's a 6m a-class, so everything is 'compact'. And most of the internal lights have stopped working. The overhead LEDs around the roof light still works, as does the light over the kitchen. But the strip lights under the drop-down bed, the spotlights and the lights in the bathroom are all non-functional. Pump and heating are still OK.
I initially thought it was because the battery was low, so maybe LEDs didn't have enough juice to power up. There appears to be 0.3A of power drain somewhere in the system even when everything is off, so the battery was nearly dead after a week of sitting. I suspect it's the Truma iNet system which has loads of extra sensors attached... But when I plug into the mains and the battery charges back up, the lights still don't function. So I guess a fuse has blown.
Geist are a sub-brand of Hymer, so not surprisingly, the electricals are all controlled with an Schaudt Elektroblock EBL 630B and all the manuals are in German. The Elektroblock is under the passenger seat, there are only 6 fuses on the front panel and they are all 20A or more and they all appear to be fine (checked visually and with a multi-meter). So I assume there must be some fuses for sub-systems somewhere... Anyone want to take some guesses? The manual only appears to mention the Elektroblock.
So far I've looked:
-behind the Elektroblock, there's some distribution going on there, but I can't see any fuses
-under the driver's seat, that's just the hab battery
-in all the cupboards, only thing I've found is the 230v panel
-in the lockers, only thing is a panel under one is a rats nest that I think supplies all the tank sensor readings
-under the sink
-under the fridge
-in the 'services' locker, which only contains the frost valve, the boiler dump and the grey water release handle
Interestingly, I found a fuse puller in the bottom of a cup holder in the cab. I'm wondering if the dealership or previous owner also had an issue...?
Am I right in thinking there should be more fuses somewhere? Any clues where?
I initially thought it was because the battery was low, so maybe LEDs didn't have enough juice to power up. There appears to be 0.3A of power drain somewhere in the system even when everything is off, so the battery was nearly dead after a week of sitting. I suspect it's the Truma iNet system which has loads of extra sensors attached... But when I plug into the mains and the battery charges back up, the lights still don't function. So I guess a fuse has blown.
Geist are a sub-brand of Hymer, so not surprisingly, the electricals are all controlled with an Schaudt Elektroblock EBL 630B and all the manuals are in German. The Elektroblock is under the passenger seat, there are only 6 fuses on the front panel and they are all 20A or more and they all appear to be fine (checked visually and with a multi-meter). So I assume there must be some fuses for sub-systems somewhere... Anyone want to take some guesses? The manual only appears to mention the Elektroblock.
So far I've looked:
-behind the Elektroblock, there's some distribution going on there, but I can't see any fuses
-under the driver's seat, that's just the hab battery
-in all the cupboards, only thing I've found is the 230v panel
-in the lockers, only thing is a panel under one is a rats nest that I think supplies all the tank sensor readings
-under the sink
-under the fridge
-in the 'services' locker, which only contains the frost valve, the boiler dump and the grey water release handle
Interestingly, I found a fuse puller in the bottom of a cup holder in the cab. I'm wondering if the dealership or previous owner also had an issue...?
Am I right in thinking there should be more fuses somewhere? Any clues where?