Yesterday I picked up my motorhome from having work done, including the fitting of a new crash-safe regulator fit. I have a single 11kg Gaslow bottle of the older type which had the level gauge mounted on top of the bottle which is connected to a float on top of the liquified gas; this float become effective gauge from the point when the gas level is half-full/empty. This Gaslow bottle was a replacement for an earlier one which didn't have a float gauge, but instead there was an in-line pressure gauge was inserted - this was as much use for indicating the gas level as a chocolate ;teapot, hence we had the new bottle installed, the pressure gauge was not removed at the time of installing the new float-gauge bottle , hence there were two gauges- one useless and one which worked properly to show when the gas was low [no pun intended!]
The problem I now have is that on returning home and checking the work that was done I now have only one gauge - the useless one - even that is not positioned so it can be read, which in itself is very poor workmanship. I have contacted the workshop who have replied by email suggesting - and I fear it's going to be a 'my word against theirs' - that the only problem is that the gauge has been incorrectly positioned. Thinking I would get a photo to show them the gauge that they have [presumably?] lost, I went onto the Gaslow website only to find that the type of gauge I had is no longer available, having been superseded by a more modern electronic arrangement.
Consequently I wonder if anyone who has the Gaslow float type gauge would be able to furnish me with a photo of said set-up so I can show them what I no longer have as a result of their shoddy work. I can see the danger of a small claims court case looming and if I can convince them of their errors I may be able to foreshorten the agony and get it sorted. Any help anyone can offer would be gratefully received, thanks.
The problem I now have is that on returning home and checking the work that was done I now have only one gauge - the useless one - even that is not positioned so it can be read, which in itself is very poor workmanship. I have contacted the workshop who have replied by email suggesting - and I fear it's going to be a 'my word against theirs' - that the only problem is that the gauge has been incorrectly positioned. Thinking I would get a photo to show them the gauge that they have [presumably?] lost, I went onto the Gaslow website only to find that the type of gauge I had is no longer available, having been superseded by a more modern electronic arrangement.
Consequently I wonder if anyone who has the Gaslow float type gauge would be able to furnish me with a photo of said set-up so I can show them what I no longer have as a result of their shoddy work. I can see the danger of a small claims court case looming and if I can convince them of their errors I may be able to foreshorten the agony and get it sorted. Any help anyone can offer would be gratefully received, thanks.