I do a fair amount of mountain biking where I tend to get very muddy. I was thinking it might be handy to have an external shower point to hose off the bike and give myself a quick rinse before I make the inside of the van really filthy. Has anyone got an external shower? Are they useful?
Has anyone DIY'd fitting themselves? Any particular pitfalls I need to be aware of?
What brands do people recommend? I see quite a lot of Bullfinch stuff when I search?
All the ones I've seen so far seem to not have a microswitch. I've got a fairly modern German motorhome (a 2020 Geist). Is my plumbing likely to need a microswitch to activate the pump? I've not had a dig behind anything to find out yet. If I do, I guess I'd need to wire in an on-off switch?
My van is pretty compact and doesn't have a proper garage, so I can't fit the shower point in there. But most of the plumbing appears to run down the left side of the van. The Truma heater is easily accessible under one of the lounge seats, so I'm assuming there's good access to plumbing down there. And there's a small service locker. I've not decided whether I try to put the shower point inside the service locker, or dare to drill holes in the outside of the van yet.
Has anyone DIY'd fitting themselves? Any particular pitfalls I need to be aware of?
What brands do people recommend? I see quite a lot of Bullfinch stuff when I search?
All the ones I've seen so far seem to not have a microswitch. I've got a fairly modern German motorhome (a 2020 Geist). Is my plumbing likely to need a microswitch to activate the pump? I've not had a dig behind anything to find out yet. If I do, I guess I'd need to wire in an on-off switch?
My van is pretty compact and doesn't have a proper garage, so I can't fit the shower point in there. But most of the plumbing appears to run down the left side of the van. The Truma heater is easily accessible under one of the lounge seats, so I'm assuming there's good access to plumbing down there. And there's a small service locker. I've not decided whether I try to put the shower point inside the service locker, or dare to drill holes in the outside of the van yet.