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It will be our maiden trip abroad this year, heading to Walchsee Austria. The thing that concerns me most is filling stations, toll roads using Aires and ATMs Ever since using a car wash in France any foreign machine scares me. What happened in France I suppose was quite funny though not so much at the time. We were in a hired car that I stupidly left overnight under a tree where bats roosted. If you've ever tried getting bat shit off a white car then you'll know what I was up against. So I've driven round the back of this garage to their car wash and stopped tight up in front of the rollers, nothing happened. I got out the car, spied the machine that obviously operates the machine but I can't decipher the instructions. A guy from the garage came over and offered to help, he shoved some euros in the machine, pressed a few buttons and then I realised my mistake, I'd left the drivers door open, the rollers moved over the car and my wife got a lap full of soapy water, she was not happy.