Every year I use the tunnel for our summer hols, I have always booked online.
However this year I thought I would use Tesco vouchers.
So I got the required amount of vouchers and rang EuroTunnel, everything is going fine then the chap on the phone asks me the weight of my van. At this point an alarm bell went off in my head, this was a loaded question. So I asked why does he need to know that, online booking form does not ask that question. He replies over 3.5t should travel on the freight service. At this point I told a tiny white lie and said I was 3.5t. I would not usually tell a porky about such a thing, however given that the Eurotunnel website nevers asks that question in my own mind justified a slight bending of the truth. I did not want to get lumbered between all the frieght and pay extra for the pleasure.
I have since looked at the T's and C's and it does state that 3.5t is the weight limit on the passenger service, I wonder why the booking form does not ask that question.
Has anybody else been travelling on the tunnel blissfully unaware of this rule?
However this year I thought I would use Tesco vouchers.
So I got the required amount of vouchers and rang EuroTunnel, everything is going fine then the chap on the phone asks me the weight of my van. At this point an alarm bell went off in my head, this was a loaded question. So I asked why does he need to know that, online booking form does not ask that question. He replies over 3.5t should travel on the freight service. At this point I told a tiny white lie and said I was 3.5t. I would not usually tell a porky about such a thing, however given that the Eurotunnel website nevers asks that question in my own mind justified a slight bending of the truth. I did not want to get lumbered between all the frieght and pay extra for the pleasure.
I have since looked at the T's and C's and it does state that 3.5t is the weight limit on the passenger service, I wonder why the booking form does not ask that question.
Has anybody else been travelling on the tunnel blissfully unaware of this rule?