Doc on tour, France, Spain, Morroco.

Just as well that woman throwing stones was a bad shot
As She might have got you 😉

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Good to see the photos poor Ela hopefully she's not too sore. You do see and come across some strange things in Morocco we were with a group from Fun in Morocco taking a bus ride and the women were looking properly down their noses at us , they had little posies waving them under their noses, it certainly wasn't us smelling then this woman all covered up from head to toe wafting hers posie around processed to pee her self on the bus, and just sat there as if it hadn't happened, it was talked about for quite a while.

I have to admit I really enjoyed our time there and these Moroccan threads brings it back but much has changed over the last few years not sure I'd enjoy it as much now.
When we were there if the police pulled you over for speeding or anything they would walk around the van and put a little yellow cross on your tyre so if your pulled over again it gives the police more info on you, we had a little yellow cross on our van.

Glad it's not Flu and just a cold.
I've no moved I'm in the same place between tagazhout and tamri ....
Dinnae have the flu either it's just a cold and it's a bit better , still snotty though .

Been an eventful couple of days , really busy with locals Saturday and Sunday, constant stream of folk trying to flog their various wares from fish to bread cakes, argon oil , nuts with every variety and coating you could imagine. Camels, horses and about 15 stray dogs all friendly and they come visit everyone in turn throughout the day.

Blu the big arsehole managed a great escape out the van yesterday when I was outside with the other 3 , I had walked her and played fetch with her on her own for a good hour before putting her in the van and attempting to spend sometime with the other 3 so they could get some attention without her comandeering it all.

So about 30 minutes in blu comes galloping down the beach .....the Fiddlesticksin muppet had managed to pull down the curtain on the window next to my table , had opened the blind and managed to pull the sliding window open and jump out .. I'm actually astounded that she hadn't broken anything bit had managed to separate the blind and flyscreen clip and open the catch on the sliding window.

So I've discovered I can't leave her In the van on her own without the others being there.

Anyway later in the afternoon I had them all out again on their leads walking along the beach and this Fiddlesticksin crazy local woman threw stones at us one of which hit ela in the ribs .. I walked up to her shouting what the f@@k do you think your doing and got a whole load of abuse from her and another woman that point the British woman brenna took over and the 3 women had a right set too ...I walked off with the dogs cursing the shits.. I wouldn't have minded but we were about 10-15 feet away from the crazy bitch and there was absolutely no need for her to be throwing stones.

It's such a contrast because at other times you do see some locals feeding the strays or occasionally the dogs are over lying beside them etc you just get a lot of others who are just downright cruel to dogs.. I'd like to give them a good slap at times.

Today very few locals but lots of surfer groups taking lessons .. there was one group of brits with quite a few pale blue Scots among them . I'm a little sunburnt as its been a hot few days .

Some photos...some from yesterday some today

The colourful village View attachment 1008248View attachment 1008249View attachment 1008254View attachment 1008255View attachment 1008256View attachment 1008257View attachment 1008259

Dogs on the beach View attachment 1008250View attachment 1008251View attachment 1008270View attachment 1008271

Optical illusion View attachment 1008272

Camels n horses View attachment 1008252View attachment 1008276

A few of the strays View attachment 1008261View attachment 1008262View attachment 1008263View attachment 1008274View attachment 1008275

Renault 4 View attachment 1008258

Fell asleep in jelaba lol View attachment 1008264View attachment 1008265

Sunset View attachment 1008266View attachment 1008267View attachment 1008268

View attachment 1008253

View attachment 1008260

View attachment 1008269

View attachment 1008273
So who took phots oh you? Don’t tell me Blu can do that too!

By the way is she better when on that new lead?
So who took this photo - hmmm :unsure: :whistle2: :LOL:

The clever escaping dog no doubt. Ah just
seen other post
Northernraider, Tam, the optical illusion has me puzzled. Where did the umbrella shadow on the far right come from?

There was a 3rd umbrella

Photo Shopped ⛱
How very dare you!
So who took phots oh you? Don’t tell me Blu can do that too!

By the way is she better when on that new lead?

There's other brits here. The cornish/American couple are parked next to me

And blu is no better , one on one she's better behaved slightly , with the rest she's chancing her luck but she is at that age she's pushing boundaries.
Northernraider, Tam, the optical illusion has me puzzled. Where did the umbrella shadow on the far right come from?
An umbrella to the left of that one , tam just took the picture so you can’t see it
They are all casting a shadow to the right

Edit tam just beat it to it
An umbrella to the left of that one , tam just took the picture so you can’t see it
They are all casting a shadow to the right

Edit tam just beat it to it
Spot on ... a few minutes before I took the photo the white stray dog was lying in that 3rd shadow and would have made an even better photo but my phone was in the van... when I went to get it the dog had moved sadly

In other news we gave that dog a bit of a hair cut as it had huge matted bits if fur hanging from him ...he was such a lovely big dog. Gave him a trim and a brush . Looks much better now
Good to see the photos poor Ela hopefully she's not too sore. You do see and come across some strange things in Morocco we were with a group from Fun in Morocco taking a bus ride and the women were looking properly down their noses at us , they had little posies waving them under their noses, it certainly wasn't us smelling then this woman all covered up from head to toe wafting hers posie around processed to pee her self on the bus, and just sat there as if it hadn't happened, it was talked about for quite a while.

I have to admit I really enjoyed our time there and these Moroccan threads brings it back but much has changed over the last few years not sure I'd enjoy it as much now.
When we were there if the police pulled you over for speeding or anything they would walk around the van and put a little yellow cross on your tyre so if your pulled over again it gives the police more info on you, we had a little yellow cross on our van.

Glad it's not Flu and just a cold.
Ela is fine she just got a fright and as she's the most timid of my dogs and still wary of folk it really annoyed me.

The police seem to be pulling lots of campers and motorhomes this time ,when I was here last I mostly got waved through but I've had passport checks a few times on this trip which is a pain as I'd rather my passport was in the safe. But nearly every police stop I pass there's a motorhome pulled over. The spot I got fined at South of guelmim had 4 vans pulled over when I passed it heading back north. They're making a good little earner at that spot due to a missing road sign. And they know it
Very corrupt all cash, no receipt and no comeback

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My brother was handling war dogs at a secure establishment years ago and a jumped up type shouted and gave him grief when questioned about his guest (no guests permitted). He pretended he lost control of the dog and just managed to stop it ripping the guy apart. The guy wet himself but couldn't complain.
Now the reason for this is me wishing Ela could do the same when treated by imbeciles like that. Would make my day.
Good luck Tam
If it was a culture thing then all Muslims would do it surely .

I don't believe it is , I think it's just certain scumbags who think they can get away with it. If I'd have been in any eu country that woman would have had a rock thrown back at her.

The only reason I didn't was because I don't trust anyone in this country including the police.

After seeing the state of the chickens etc here too I wouldn't buy any chicken or meat here either . I'm glad I brought a fair bit with me in the freezer .

While I appreciate there is poverty etc here , every person has a phone they're always on them ,they can therfore see the outside world and how a civilised society behaves. Also most of the cars parked here yesterday were 4/5 years old etc so the people here on the beach werent/aren't poor or uneducated as I doubt cars are cheap here.
I do personally feel a lot of people gloss over or excuse the culture etc here under the banner of poverty etc but I think on the whole it's a cop out .

There is poverty for sure.... but it doesn't excuse the squalor etc , the amount of families I watched yesterday just throwing their trash on the beach and leaving it behind them was unreal.

The only country I've seen thst comes close to the behaviour was Turkey.... closely followed by Albania...and sadly all three have one major thing in common .

And dare I say it because I'm normally the first to say you can't judge that way but I'm starting to see why many big UK cities are becoming the way they are .

It's quite eye opening
A lot at the end there that I and others have been saying for years but usually just get called names for it.
A lot at the end there that I and others have been saying for years but usually just get called names for it.
Yes unfortunately it's like I can take my dogs of the street but you can't take the street out the dogs ...they will always still scavenge etc

And I think the culture thing here is used to living in a shithole and unfortunately if they go live somewhere else it too becomes a shithole.

But to be fair it isn't just immigrants.

I remember one of the first flats I bought ,it was in a reasonably good area . But there were still many council flats in the streets around. When the council demolished and re developed one very bad area they re housed the people in various other streets that were up and coming in the hope that would encourage the people to live better ...sadly it didn't they just brought the area down , gardens like dumping grounds, broken knackered cars outside and in the drives. Loud music bins never emptied etc etc.

Makes a complete joke of all the environmental shit we've to put up with in the UK though as these countries counteract any progress made .

There could easily be a recycling system and waste disposal plan introduced here but there isn't.

The bins get collected and often surface dumped on beaches or woodland , sometimes they Bury it in the sand and the tide washes it out to sea and other times they just take their bag of rubbish to a spot and set fire to it and walk away .

There's trash everywhere.

And the ground around the markets is filthy with rotten fruit and veg just left on the ground , greasy smelly water from cooking or fish etc .

Even the supermarkets there's a nasty smell in some of the aisles either from spilled stuff that's not been cleaned up or from not changing the water in the mop buckets often enough ... its just a very dirty country. There's not a single restaurant, food stall or shop here would pass an inspection by the food standards we have in the UK.

Once you see it you can't unsee it sadly .

There is beautiful scenery here, there's not a lot of great architecture....its quite dull in that respect. Buildings aren't that interesting on the whole , I only really find the people who want to sell you something or want something from you to be friendly the rest are not...and the ones trying to sell you things are friendly till you say no then they change quite a bit ...I think I've been cursed under breath quite a few times.. the drivers are terrible, the lorry drivers and taxi drivers are lethal and they will barge you out the way. There doesn't seem to be any real thought for life... cyclists, pedestrians and folk using donkey drawn buggies etc risk their lives everytime they cross a road... there's zebra crossings buy no one ever stops at them ...I've seen folk nearly mown down by these taxis .

It's one country where i can categorically state I could never ever live in .

If it wasn't for shengen I'd be out of here by now .. but I can't wait to get back to Spain and civilisation.
Yes unfortunately it's like I can take my dogs of the street but you can't take the street out the dogs ...they will always still scavenge etc

And I think the culture thing here is used to living in a shithole and unfortunately if they go live somewhere else it too becomes a shithole.

But to be fair it isn't just immigrants.

I remember one of the first flats I bought ,it was in a reasonably good area . But there were still many council flats in the streets around. When the council demolished and re developed one very bad area they re housed the people in various other streets that were up and coming in the hope that would encourage the people to live better ...sadly it didn't they just brought the area down , gardens like dumping grounds, broken knackered cars outside and in the drives. Loud music bins never emptied etc etc.

Makes a complete joke of all the environmental shit we've to put up with in the UK though as these countries counteract any progress made .

There could easily be a recycling system and waste disposal plan introduced here but there isn't.

The bins get collected and often surface dumped on beaches or woodland , sometimes they Bury it in the sand and the tide washes it out to sea and other times they just take their bag of rubbish to a spot and set fire to it and walk away .

There's trash everywhere.

And the ground around the markets is filthy with rotten fruit and veg just left on the ground , greasy smelly water from cooking or fish etc .

Even the supermarkets there's a nasty smell in some of the aisles either from spilled stuff that's not been cleaned up or from not changing the water in the mop buckets often enough ... its just a very dirty country. There's not a single restaurant, food stall or shop here would pass an inspection by the food standards we have in the UK.

Once you see it you can't unsee it sadly .

There is beautiful scenery here, there's not a lot of great architecture....its quite dull in that respect. Buildings aren't that interesting on the whole , I only really find the people who want to sell you something or want something from you to be friendly the rest are not...and the ones trying to sell you things are friendly till you say no then they change quite a bit ...I think I've been cursed under breath quite a few times.. the drivers are terrible, the lorry drivers and taxi drivers are lethal and they will barge you out the way. There doesn't seem to be any real thought for life... cyclists, pedestrians and folk using donkey drawn buggies etc risk their lives everytime they cross a road... there's zebra crossings buy no one ever stops at them ...I've seen folk nearly mown down by these taxis .

It's one country where i can categorically state I could never ever live in .

If it wasn't for shengen I'd be out of here by now .. but I can't wait to get back to Spain and civilisation.
Most of what you write there , you could well be in the middle of Birmingham ( other towns are available)
Most of what you write there , you could well be in the middle of Birmingham ( other towns are available)
Yes I know. I've seen the middle of Birmingham. I have to say Scotland is a bit different. Even Edinburgh and Glasgow I don't think has got quite to that stage.

I don't know what the answer is too it though unfortunately.

It's the UK system that's at fault , can't blame people for trying to better their lives but I can't just rock up in Spain etc and get benefits and a house so I'm not sure why the UK does it so easily.

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There is beautiful scenery here, there's not a lot of great architecture....its quite dull in that respect.
Have you been too Volubilis before? It is a Roman city near Fez and a world heritage site, it might be worth a visit if you are into history.

Have you been too Volubilis before? It is a Roman city near Fez and a world heritage site, it might be worth a visit if you are into history.

I'll have a read of that as I'll be heading inland towards fez from Rabat as I quite liked fez, chefchouan etc last time I was here. And I want some sheepskins
There is beautiful scenery here, there's not a lot of great architecture....its quite dull in that respect. Buildings aren't that interesting on the whole
You are not too far from Libya Tam, get yourself over there, some of the largest and best Roman ruins in Africa (if they haven't blown them up) and its not in the Schengen zone. :LOL:
There is beautiful scenery here, there's not a lot of great architecture....its quite dull in that respect. Buildings aren't that interesting on the whole , I only really find the people who want to sell you something or want something from you to be friendly the rest are not...and the ones trying to sell you things are friendly till you say no then they change quite a bit ...I think I've been cursed under breath quite a few times.. the drivers are terrible, the lorry drivers and taxi drivers are lethal and they will barge you out the way. There doesn't seem to be any real thought for life... cyclists, pedestrians and folk using donkey drawn buggies etc risk their lives everytime they cross a road... there's zebra crossings buy no one ever stops at them ...I've seen folk nearly mown down by these taxis .
You copied & pasted that from the Moroccan Tourist Board brochure didn't you :p

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You copied & pasted that from the Moroccan Tourist Board brochure didn't you :p
It seems though unless you're on here and glossing over stuff I'm not the only one that dislikes the cultures here

These are screenshots of other folks polarsteps

It seems though unless you're on here and glossing over stuff I'm not the only one that dislikes the cultures here

These are screenshots of other folks polarsteps

View attachment 1008444View attachment 1008445
You sure Tam you don’t have two Polarsteps going. Sounds like you doesn’t it at times

Whilst the PM is renegotiating perhaps you should write and request he sorts out travel problems with 90/180 for you all. I’m sure most on her would countersign it
I’m sure a lot would. It it would be reciprocal and lots on here might object to that
Was under the impression that Europeans can come here for 6 months at a time. Don't think though , that this is the right place for this, maybe start one yourself?

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