I'm leaving a lot of stuff connected to power when parked up. Modern electronics doesn't like to be turned off. But I've noticied there's a good bit of drain on the batteries when the van has been left unattended for a couple of weeks. So I'm thinking of disconnecting the power completely when leaving the van parked up for long periods.
I can only think of 2 things that might have an issue with this.
- Truma 4e. It will need the time set and I don't know, will it force the 15 min lock-out? Any experience?
- Buttner battery computer. It will need time & date but will it also need a re-setup and re-learn the batteries?
Do people have any issues with any of these things?
I can only think of 2 things that might have an issue with this.
- Truma 4e. It will need the time set and I don't know, will it force the 15 min lock-out? Any experience?
- Buttner battery computer. It will need time & date but will it also need a re-setup and re-learn the batteries?
Do people have any issues with any of these things?