Curry Anyone


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Dec 3, 2007
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Recently i took the major decision to cook me and the lady a curry every Friday night. She did it originally but I thought I would have a go as cooking interests me.

I have bought books, tried watching telly, even been on curry forums but as yet nothing i have tried comes near the style that you get from a restaurant.

So does anyone on here have an half decent recipe for a ruby. Not too chilli hot.

I find the easiest way is to cheat a little...
I use Patak's sauces (Vindaloo is great but not if don't like too much heat:Rofl1:) Jalfrezi or Madras. Morrison's, Lidl all have passable sauces.

My method for a quick Prawn curry:
Fry off a large onion (coarsely chopped) ...slowly, the idea is to 'sweat it off' without browning...allow 10 to 15 mins.

Chop and add green/red/yellow peppers about half way though cooking the onions

Add a teaspoon (or more to taste) of chopped ginger... the jar stuff is easier than fresh; allow this to cook through for a minute or two... if you don't cook it sufficiently you'll taste raw ginger.

Add a teaspoon (or more to taste) of Garlic (jar or tube stuff is fine) !Don't allow it to burn! (yukky taste).

Add a teaspoon (or more) of your preferred curry powder ... I also like to add a teaspoon each of Cinnamon powder, Coriander powder, Cumin seeds or powder and Kalwanji (black ).

Add a third of a cup of water, stir thoroughly and add the sauce, mix well and simmer for around 10 mins.

Set a timer for 6 mins and put the rice on to boil (Basmati, 10 to 12 mins cooking, use boiling water from the kettle) . Time to cook a frozen paratha (Tesco in the freezer cabinets, the onion ones are better than plain) or two... an omelette pan works well, turn P's every minute or so...don't use oil or they'll be very greasy... better to put a little butter on when cooked:Wink:)

When the buzzer sounds, add the prawns and set time for another 5 mins. (just enough heat otherwise the prawns will be rubbery!)

Serve and enjoy!

Chicken alternative:
Cook the chicken (bite size pieces) in oil or ghee, when almost cooked add the ginger, garlic, curry powder as above. set aside and cook the onions/peppers... add cooked chicken and follow the remaining steps above... 'cept the prawns:Wink:

I generally make a big batch and freeze (sauce only) what I don't use... half decent curry in under 30 mins.

I tried several of the commercial sauces until I found the ones that I preferred

... Bon Appetite
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Try BBC - Food and look at the numerous recipes for the show "Indian food made easy"

All curries made from scratch and we tried one and it was excellent!
Try your local asian area. Near us in Stoke on Trent there is a fantastic shop with all sorts of recipies and proper ingrediants. I am sure you will find one near to you. The only problem I have ever found is that getting the Nam breads right without a clay oven just does not taste like an indian.:thumb:

But me loves curry:thumb:
Hi and thanks to all those that replied to my post.

I am lucky that i live near a large asian community (handsworth, brimingham) and there are lots of local asian shops selling spices food etc.

I have tried lots of different techniques with varying sucess but do intent to do a tour of these authentic ethnic shops in the new year.

My favourite at the moment is using the "fried onion base" that is purchased like a "cook in sauce" but without all the spices allowing you to use your own. I have been on a curry forum and the concensus is that if you want your curry to taste like the one from a restaurant, then you have to use an onion base. They go into great lengths to describe how to do this and its made up in large batches and frozen until needed.

Anyhow thanks again to all esp XGX for the recipe


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I LOVE Curry....On some TV programme, an Indian Lady Chef was on, and said alot of Indian Restaurants had a secret ingredient that they all used. Put about 3-4 chopped big onions in a big pan, on the lowest possible setting, very, very slowly cook the onions, (with a tight lid on the pan) it takes about a good hour+, for the onions to reduce to a very thick paste. When your curry is cooked, add a good heaped tablespoon full of the onion paste to the curry. I also add to any casseroles, stews, spag bol, etc, as it intensify the flavour. Also good for thick oniony gravy. :thumb:
Put about 3-4 chopped big onions in a big pan, on the lowest possible setting, very, very slowly cook the onions, (with a tight lid on the pan) it takes about a good hour+, for the onions to reduce to a very thick paste. When your curry is cooked, add a good heaped tablespoon full of the onion paste to the curry. I also add to any casseroles, stews, spag bol, etc, as it intensify the flavour. Also good for thick oniony gravy.

Thanks "the2ofus" I'm feeling peckish all ready.

I always find it tastes better after being marinated and frozen.....:Eeek:
Seems to open up the meat and let the taste get right in there.:BigGrin:
Either that or done in a slow-cooker.The meat is really tender .
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The Secrets of British Indian Restaurant Curry Recipes

The restaurant food enjoyed in British Indian restaurants for generations is very different to traditional Indian food, largely because the majority of "Indian" restaurants are owned and run by Bengalis, Bangladeshis and Pakistanis. In addition, the original recipes have changed to reflect local tastes and available ingredients. This has resulted in what is today identified as the "BIR" or British Restaurant Curry.

There are several web sites devoted to recreating the BIR taste at home and thanks to an anonymous contributor - we have pleasure in presenting what in our opinion is the closest recipe to recreating your favourite restaurant curry.

This recipe has been contributed by a customer who asked to remain anonymous (Thanks again "M"!) who has spent 20 years trying various combinations and recipes - his own personal "Holy Grail" and we reproduce it here exactly as he wishes.

The Basic Curry Sauce

(Tip: have a read of ALL of these pages first - pick a curry and ensure you've got all the things you need before starting).

4 large RED onions, coarsely chopped - yes red onions!
2oz unpeeled fresh ginger, chopped
3oz peeled fresh garlic, coarsely chopped
6tbs vegetable oil
1tsp heaped salt
½ tsp sugar
240g tin of chopped tomatoes
1tsp turmeric
1/2 tsp cinnamon powder (important!!!!)
1tsp Paprika
1tbs tomato puree
1tsp tomato ketchup

1. Fry onion in 1tbs of oil for 10 mins on a low heat until soft (not browned)
2. Put in the garlic, ginger and salt then add enough water to just cover the top of all ingredients.
3. Bring everything to boil then turn down to a simmer for 30 mins (no lid)
4. While this is simmering, place remaining 5tbs of oil, tomatoes, puree, ketchup and spices into another saucepan - boil then simmer for 10 mins on low heat.

Separately blend both of the above VERY FINELY and combine, then simmer for another 15 minutes to ensure cooked and well mixed. The blending is vital to the flavour/correct texture. Add water if it ever gets too dry during this phase. The end result should should be about 1600ml of gravy - if it's not, add water to this volume now.

The Secret Onion Paste (biggest secret!)
2 lge white onions, chopped finely
4 cloves garlic
3tbs vegetable oil
Pinch of cumin
Pinch of cinnamon

Place raw onion and garlic into blender. Add enough water to come about halfway up the side of the blender and blend until WELL smoothed.

Heat the oil in a pan on a high heat, adding the mixture (it will spit!!!)

Reduce this down until it gets dryer then add the spices and continue frying until it turns into what looks a bit like bread dough. This may take some time but is worth it for the final taste! Be careful not to burn this as it will be ruined. Taste the finished product - tastes almost "soapy" - remind you of anything familiar?

Special Spice Mix (not that special)
Equal amounts of cumin powder, coriander powder, garam masala and dried fenugreek. If unsure which brand to buy, try NATCO - especially their garam masala which is superb. I mix up a few tablespoons of each at a time and keep in a Tupperware tub, etc!

The above are a MUST for all recipes and corners cannot be cut in any way.

The above recipes could be doubled up for ease and stored in the freezer in pre-measured amounts.

How to make a basic 'Medium Curry'
800ml of basic curry sauce (should be around half the basic sauce recipe!? - this is enough for 4 people's main meal)

5tbs Vegetable Oil
1 level tsp of salt
1tsp of ground coriander )
1tsp of ground cumin ) (This is the special spice mix but listed individually!!!)
1tsp of garam masala )
1tsp dried fenugreek leaves )
¼ tsp of chilli powder
fresh coriander leaves

Add oil and heat. Add basic sauce (along with fresh chicken/other meats if using them) and simmer on high heat for 2-3 mins.

Add all of the spices and salt and continue for 5 mins or sauce separates from the oil. Add the prawns (if your cooking a prawn curry!) and simmer for a further 7 minutes - add any water if you feel it's getting too dry.

Although the curry is now cooked, further frying is now required and this must be done in individual portions.

At this stage (if you've doubled up the quantities) you can measure out lots of bags of 200ml/400ml at a time and freeze them for a quick curry whenever you need.

You can now take out a bag from your freezer along with a couple of frozen chicken breasts in the morning and be eating within 20 mins when you get home.

400ml of this basic curry sauce will be enough for 2 main dishes, therefore one entire recipe should be enough for 8 main dishes and so on.

1. Add some oil to your 'individual curry' pan.
3. Then add the required amount of sauce and meat/cooked vegetables for one portion (only 200ml of sauce as it's got to be an individual portion for authenticity)
4. Heat everything up and then add 1 tbs of the onion paste in the final minute
5. Taste, if necessary add more of the 'special spice mix' - more fresh coriander for garnish

Voila ! your individual curry!!!

From this method, you can have people round for a curry and given them all differing ones according to their personal tastes.

For all of the types below, I recommend having the ingredients to hand as you'll have to work quickly - no time to start raking around your cupboards for stuff once you've started!!!!

Whilst you are preparing the basic curry recipe, prepare the following

1tbs of vegetable oil
1tsp of Cumin seeds
2 large onions, sliced into rings
4 green or red chillies, halved lengthways

Heat the oil and add cumin seeds. 5 seconds later add onions and chillies and reduce heat. Fry until onions are soft and slightly charred.

Add to basic sauce, check seasoning, serve

Same as dupiaza but replace 1 of the onions with a chopped green pepper! (easy innit?)

1 tbs of vegetable oil
1 tsp of cumin seeds
1 large green pepper, chopped into chunks
4 green or red chillies

5 mins from end, add 1 tbs of ground almonds and 3 tbs of single cream. (It's that easy!)

Cook the basic korma and add 1" of a standard coconut block, ½ tsp sugar and ½ tsp turmeric 5 minutes before the end.

Replace ¼ tsp chilli with 1 tsp of chilli. Add some lemon juice if you want. (how easy was that!?)

Add 4 tbs of Heinz tomato soup (& red food colouring) 5 minutes before end. Serve with single cream on top. (I guess the tomato soup fully justifies the £7.50 price in a restaurant!)

Replace ¼ tsp chilli with 2 tsp chilli and add 1 tsp of malt vinegar 5 minutes before end.

Pilau Rice
Fill and switch on your kettle
Whilst this is happening heat up a little oil in a pan that comes with a tight fitting lid
Allow 3oz of BASMATI rice per person (weigh it!!! And it must be basmati - nothing else works! You can also be boring and soak the rice in water first but I never bother)
Salt to taste
2 green cardamom pods (split open slightly) per rice serving
1 whole clove per serving

When the oil is warm, add the raw rice and spices together
Mix well, ensuring the rice gets coated in the oil - don't worry if it starts to turn white
Turn down the heat to minimum

Quickly pour the boiled water into a measuring jug
(allow double the fl oz of water to the rice weight) ie for 4 portions: 12 oz of rice and 24 fl oz of boiled water.
Stir everything around to stop any sticking and place the lid on securely
Cook for 12 minutes on the lowest heat setting
After 12 minutes take from heat and leave for another 12 minutes (do not remove the lid - the steam will continue to cook the rice!!!)

Later take the lid off and you can add a drop or two of food colouring for that restaurant effect ( I use a drop of red at one end of the pot and a drop of green at the other - leave for a while and then mix through the white rice for a realistic effect)

I would normally make the rice first and, while it is resting, knock up the curry sauce. The rice stays hot like this for a couple of hours if you don't keep removing the lid and let the steam escape!)

This recipe will give impressive results if you measure/time things accurately.
A piece of cake….

(For plain boiled rice, omit the spices and food colouring).

Hope these recipes are of help - never forget this produces excellent results, but is like watching a film on TV (ie not as good as the cinema) so never forget how enjoyable good company and good food is in an Indian restaurant.
Recently i took the major decision to cook me and the lady a cuury every friday night. She did it originally but i thought i wouldn have a go as cooking interests me.

I have bought books, tried watching telly, even been on curry forums but as yet nothing i have tried comes near the style that you get from a restaurant.

So does anyone on here have an half decent recipe for a ruby. Not too chilli hot.

farmfoods sells a great curry powder make it to suit then add your favourite chicken,beef,prawn,veggie :thumb:

Subscribers  do not see these advertisements we have that off pat how do you make a CHINESE curry taste like a chinese curry?

personally i cant abide indian food.....except Nan breads and onion bhaji's

and dont even mention Thai curry.
Have a look at Rafi's spice box - we are lucky that she is based in Sudbury near where we live but they do mail order spice mixes and make the difficult bits easy. Must say I loved the recipe list above - I knew what it was done (as you say nothing like an authentic Indian curry which most people would hate) but that's the first time I've seen the how. Thanks indeed for sharing with us
Recently i took the major decision to cook me and the lady a curry every Friday night. She did it originally but I thought I would have a go as cooking interests me.

I have bought books, tried watching telly, even been on curry forums but as yet nothing i have tried comes near the style that you get from a restaurant.

So does anyone on here have an half decent recipe for a ruby. Not too chilli hot.


BEFORE you go to all that trouble - try the £3 a tin Marks and Spencers beef madras (400g) - I have never been so pleased with a tin of food. Just warm on the hob and add a bit of rice. Great emergency rations. amazing with chips from the chippy. Purists may scoff but i have spent hours with morter and pestle and made things that are not as nice. chuck on a bit of chopped corriander if you want that fresh taste.
BEFORE you go to all that trouble - try the £3 a tin Marks and Spencers beef madras (400g) - I have never been so pleased with a tin of food. Just warm on the hob and add a bit of rice. Great emergency rations. amazing with chips from the chippy. Purists may scoff but i have spent hours with morter and pestle and made things that are not as nice. chuck on a bit of chopped corriander if you want that fresh taste.
14 years ago that post they’ve probably gone off curries by now.
14 years ago that post they’ve probably gone off curries by now.
I was going to say M&S probably did not do Beef Madras in a tin 14yrs ago, and if they did who would be able to afford £3.00 a tin?🤣🤣

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As much as I like a curry I defy any one to survive the curries we were fed in the army. It was normally yesterdays meat and rice you could slice. The trick was to take the sauce from the top to make the rice edible and leave the meat. The curry in the ration packs wasn’t too bad but a bit none descript.
I hadnt been to an Indian restaurant until I met management.

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As much as I like a curry I defy any one to survive the curries we were fed in the army. It was normally yesterdays meat and rice you could slice. The trick was to take the sauce from the top to make the rice edible and leave the meat. The curry in the ration packs wasn’t too bad but a bit none descript.
I hadnt been to an Indian restaurant until I met management.
I was always led to believe (probably a load of tosh) that currys were invented by Brits in India to disguise the taste of rotten, disgusting meat.
I use the recipe from 'The curry Secret' book. It's not the traditional Indian but what the British restaurants use. It's very easy to make in bulk and freeze the base sauce. Delicious too 😋
As much as I like a curry I defy any one to survive the curries we were fed in the army. It was normally yesterdays meat and rice you could slice. The trick was to take the sauce from the top to make the rice edible and leave the meat. The curry in the ration packs wasn’t too bad but a bit none descript.
I hadnt been to an Indian restaurant until I met management.

You’re kidding me…..Curry Lunches in The Screws Mess, served up by some slop Jockey’s, with a good few German Beers….heaven. (y)
Try the Spice Tailor range.
The Fiery Goan one is our favourite.
Add veg, meat or fish of your choice.

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Mrs Wbm swears by these recipes ... look for the 'hotel' ones - quite a bit of prep as it's all from scratch but absolutely worth it. She batch cooks the curry gravy that the link takes you to, using that as the base for various dishes, and prepares their curry powder mix and garlic and ginger paste in advance too. Freeze the gravy in portions, and the garlic and ginger paste in an ice cube tray.
It's a typical recipe website with lots of blah blah before you get to the ingredients and method, but I pretty much guarantee you'll be impressed with the results. Our favourites are the 'hotel' Dupiaza, Methi, Palak, Chettinad and Dhansak.
I’ve used this Chicken Tikka Masala recipe for years (as you will see from the state of the pages 🙄). I always use Patak’s curry pastes (not sauces) and have sometimes used other flavours e.g. Korma. Very easy and quick to make. I generally make a batch and freeze leftovers in 250g containers . . . to take for camping trips 🙂
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A quote from the original 13½ year old post.

"I have bought books, tried watching telly, even been on curry forums but as yet nothing i have tried comes near the style that you get from a restaurant."

Surely that is the last thing you, what you get in an Indian restaurant in the UK is nothing like a proper Indian curry.
We have some curry cook books we bought in India they give much better results.

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