If you see a country flag on others avatars, this shows the country of the IP address they are using when they log in. This is normally only used by me to check locations when hunting for spammers. But I made it viewable by members on the RV Owners club and it proved quite popular. Only Subscribers can see the flags and if you'd rather keep it private you can choose to do so in your Broken Link Removed Remember the country is obtained by your IP Address so if you were in France posting via your UK mobile there is a good chance you'll show up as being in the UK.
FAQ in the order of most asked.
I am Scottish can I fly the Saltire. This is not possible, The IP database only has the UK in its database and not the individual countries that make it up.
If I cannot fly the Saltire how do I turn it off? You can do this in your privacy settings
I am Welsh.......... see above
I am Cornish.......... see above
FAQ in the order of most asked.
I am Scottish can I fly the Saltire. This is not possible, The IP database only has the UK in its database and not the individual countries that make it up.
If I cannot fly the Saltire how do I turn it off? You can do this in your privacy settings
I am Welsh.......... see above
I am Cornish.......... see above