OK I have two I phones out of contract but still have 12g data usage in the EU each. No problem there. I have just bought a Nighthawk Router from Flea Bay, if I put an unlimited date sim from Smarty in the router will a VPN hide its location and give access to the unlimited date, or will it be subject to 'fair usage'? I also have a Smart LG TV , can I use the VPN with this to conceal its location when in Spain thus allowing I Player and Netflix use? Or as per previous threads is it easier to get a Spanish Sim from Tiekom . I also need to use a Tablet for the online shopping from Ocado for the MIL (bless her) !! I don't for see any problems using that with the VPN and router. Does one need to register the Router as a device on the VPN ? Last of all if the phones are used on WI FI Calling in the MH does this effect the EU usage?
Anyone wise enough to help here?
Many thanks.
Anyone wise enough to help here?
Many thanks.