Hi I haven't been involved in the discussion, but I have been thinking about ways to make certain aspects legal. One is the inability to reverse under control, one way to achieve this is for the front wheels to be lifted clear of the ground by some means.
The actual "A" frame could be used for this if the mounting points on the car were strong enough to support the weight of the front of the car, and if your tow hitch could support a downforce of about 500kg. Then using a hydraulic ram fitted under or above the hitch with the other end connected near to the opposite end of the "A" frame, you could lift the front wheels clear of the ground turning it in to a two wheeled trailer, which can be reversed under control. The hydraulic power could be supplied locally or from the steering pump.
The actual "A" frame could be used for this if the mounting points on the car were strong enough to support the weight of the front of the car, and if your tow hitch could support a downforce of about 500kg. Then using a hydraulic ram fitted under or above the hitch with the other end connected near to the opposite end of the "A" frame, you could lift the front wheels clear of the ground turning it in to a two wheeled trailer, which can be reversed under control. The hydraulic power could be supplied locally or from the steering pump.