We have a Dometic toilet with a handle at the front of the loo which you pull forward to open the "valve" so you can use the loo. Ours has become increasingly stiff over the two years we have had the van. Now really difficult to open & close. We have had the cassette out, used silicon spray and petroleum jelly (couldnt find silicon gel) on the valve, the two metal rods that the handle pulls, all the bits that seem to involved, and nothing seems to make much difference. Sometimes it seems to ease a bit, but as soon as cassette is returned to housing, or shortly afterwards, it is as bad as ever.
We have considered buying a new cassette in case ours is deformed in some way, but £150/£170 is a lot to spend if that is not the answer!
Has anyone any suggestions?
We have considered buying a new cassette in case ours is deformed in some way, but £150/£170 is a lot to spend if that is not the answer!
Has anyone any suggestions?