Called Nationwide today as van (Bailey Autograph 794) had stopped working just outside my home. Went to restart and nothing, to even dash lights. Got through the crazy le gthy menu, to be told - we don't cover anything over 3.5 ton. Managed not to go ballistic, but pointed out pretty sharply that he was wrong. He argues the toss but eventually went to check, and after being on hold a further 20 minutes I was cut off. Rang back, same menu, got through to someone else who said that "he" had left a note on the system to say it could be included in their service. Pointed out that this wasn't a courtesy, it was part of the contract and suggested staff training in order. She said she'd "pass this on", then told me it woukbe two hours before anyone could attend. Explained I'd already spent over half an hour on the phone and I was NOT HAPPY! So - does anyone have the details of a useful Nationwide contact I , could take this up with?