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Hi Guys,
We have just picked up our First!!!!! Motorhome, a 2008 Burstner 748. So now we need to do all the trial ane error fitting out stuff...
Has anyone out there found any clever storage fitments to fit the galley lockers for storage of cup's plates, etc.? also can you suggest good glass holders for the glass cabnet by the door?
What does the 'pumpe' switch between the mains socket and the Alde heater control panel in the gally do?
Your help greatly appreciated.
We have just picked up our First!!!!! Motorhome, a 2008 Burstner 748. So now we need to do all the trial ane error fitting out stuff...
Has anyone out there found any clever storage fitments to fit the galley lockers for storage of cup's plates, etc.? also can you suggest good glass holders for the glass cabnet by the door?
What does the 'pumpe' switch between the mains socket and the Alde heater control panel in the gally do?
Your help greatly appreciated.