Tell us about your favourite site(s) in the world, if we can get a 100, I will collate them and post them somewhere on Fun so Funsters can check them off before they check out
You might offer up sites with fantastic facilities, or maybe the corner of a muddy field with inspiring views, maybe its a crap site but it happens to be close to something we should see before we die. So please, offer us your favourite site, pictures if you have them, but no worries if you don't. The sites can be anywhere, they don't have to be a site, it can be a layby if you like. Just 100 places we really should see before the DVLA nicks that licence If you add one now we will be at 100 before we know it, just tell us about that favourite site in this thread:thumb:
You might offer up sites with fantastic facilities, or maybe the corner of a muddy field with inspiring views, maybe its a crap site but it happens to be close to something we should see before we die. So please, offer us your favourite site, pictures if you have them, but no worries if you don't. The sites can be anywhere, they don't have to be a site, it can be a layby if you like. Just 100 places we really should see before the DVLA nicks that licence If you add one now we will be at 100 before we know it, just tell us about that favourite site in this thread:thumb: