
Woodside Field Rally 20th - 25th July

Hi Funsters,

Advance notification of Rally date at the Quackers Woodside Field Rally 20th - 25th July 2023.

Just for your diary at the moment, formal announcement will be made in the new year.

Update now gone firm see first post on the discussion tab.

Getting close now Funsters.

I've not got a firm entertainments list yet, just a few ideas.

Day one 20th welcome pack on arrival, meet and greet/social drinks in the evening sun or gazebo if a brief shower dares to show up.
Day 2 Jacobs table in the evening (hot or cold food to bring and share if you have not heard of a Jacobs Table before)
Day 3 Afternoon games. Evening £1 nearest the bottle charity fund raiser. White elephant raffle game (£5 ish item wrapped needed for this)
Day 4 Morning bacon rolls. Afternoon more games? Evening Quiz
Day 5 Evening wind down social gathering results of the picture quiz
Day 6 Farewells.

If anyone has any ideas please put them forward.

I will require help with most everything, parking up arrivals, white elephant game, bacon prep and serving, afternoon games.
I'll firm up the list after I'm back from IoW.

Dog owners remember your environmentally friendly degradable poop bags. Dogs to be on a lead at all times.

Oh and a little nudge if you have only paid a deposit please pay the remainder by the end of the month, thank you.

Rhino Installs


Rally Calendar
Old Sodbury, Bristol, South Gloucestershire, UK